dimanche 27 septembre 2009

Singapour toujours...

Je suis donc reste une bonne semaine a Singapour. Je pars tout a l'heure en train de nuit pour les iles Perhentian au nord de la Malaysie.

Je ne l'avais pas ecrit, mais il fait vraiment tres chaud et humide ici. La plupart des endroits sont climatises: mall, bars, restaurants, taxis, bus, metro…
Il suffit de marcher 5 min pour suer et attraper froid en entrant dans un lieu climatise.
Cela ajoute a l'adversite quand on fait du sport mais l'echauffement prend moins de temps!
La vegetation (entourant les immeubles) est luxuriante et les arbres magnifiques.

Encore un grand merci a Emilie et Eric chez qui j'etais et aussi a Nico et Isa pour la decouverte de Singapour. C'etait vraiment super. On a termine par une session de wake board samedi matin.

Nolwenn et Marc, les enfants d'Emilie et Eric, sont trop mignons, je prendrai des photos lors mon retour a Singapour.

J'ai pu recharger mes batteries et faire changer celle de mon ordi de plongee. J'ai egalement pu acheter un nouveau telephone identique au precedent pour essayer de recuperer les contacts mais pour l'instant ca n'a pas marche. Et j'ecris actuellement sur un eeepc qui me suivra dorenavant dans mon periple.

Et j'ai uploade de nouvelles photos dans ce post et d'autres plus anciens.

J'en profite pour faire une remarque car plus d'une personne arrivant en bas de la page pense que c'est la fin du blog: il faut cliquer sur "Messages plus anciens" en bas de la page pour acceder aux messages plus anciens...

lundi 21 septembre 2009


Eh bien! Ces 3 premiers jours a Singapour sont passes a une vitesse!
Je suis heberge chez un couple d'amis Eric et Emilie et leur deux enfants Nolwenn 5 ans et marc 3 ans. Ils habitent comme beaucoup d'expatries dans un condo, une residence avec notamment piscine et salle de sport.

Des mon arrivee le samedi apres midi, nous sommes alles a la piscine avec les enfants. Bon, je vais faire la petite parenthese sur les enfants des a present: ils sont adorables mais alors quelle energie! Ca fait plaisir a voir, mais heureusement qu'il y a la sieste et qu'ils se couchent tot. Ca va en faire sourire certains mais etre parent n'est vraiment pas de tout repos... Donc coup de chapeau a eux et surtout a Emilie qui est enceinte de 7 mois et demi.

Vers 20h20, j'ai enfin recu la livraison de mon bagage qui n'avait pas pris la meme correspondance que moi Hong-Kong / Singapour, puis nous sommes alles a un barbecue chez Nicolas (avec qui j'etais au college en 6eme, 5eme puis plus tard a Janson) et sa copine Isabel. C'etait sur leur terrasse avec leurs cousins et amis, c'etait tres agreable et tres bon: je n'avais pas mange de viande aussi tendre en Afrique!

Dimanche, piscine et jogging avec les enfants a velo, soupe au fruits de mer.

Quant a hier, jour ferie a Singapour, j'ai suivi Eric le matin pour 11 km dans la jungle autour du reservoir de Singapour avec montees et descentes. Ca m'a bien casse mais comme on n'est pas ici pour tricoter, l'apres-midi squatch au Swiss Club avec Eric et son copain Tim. Autant dire, que le soir j'etais bien en forme pour aller voir a quoi ressemblaient les bars autour de Clarke Quay...

Quand je vous ai dit que ce n'etait pas de tout repos!


I enjoyed the night life in Nairobi. The quarter where was my hotel, near the university was safe and there are a lot of bars like in any big european city.
Then I flew to Johannesburg. I was staying in a lodge, it was like a big house, not far away from the airport. I thought it was OK as I were only staying here for one night.
The guy running the business, Bob, was living there with his wife and his 7 years old girl. He was very nice and gave me a lift at the airport.

At first I didn't like to be in the middle of nowhere but now, I can tell that it was an interesting experience.

The first adventure was to find an internet coffee with a printer. It was a 10 min walk. But the network in this shop (it was a few computer in a Beauty Saloon) wasn't working. So some young black guys indicated me another internet shop "in town" another 10 minutes from here. I was a bit scared to get lost in this residential area. Like in Cape Town almost every houses had fences, sometimes with electricity, sometimes with dogs or a shield "armed response" on them. The only people I had seen so far were black. As a arrived in the junction where I should have seen some people, there were but I did not feel very safe. A guy promptly came to me and asked me what was I looking for, but his voice wasn't friendly at all. After Nairobi, where almost everybody is black and were I felt pretty safe and where people didn't care about me, it was something very different, like: "what this white guy is doing here?", like people were amazed to see me here.

Anyway the internet shop was a computer institute with a lot of computers and nobody inside except the manager. We talked and as he knew that I was french and not south african he really became frendlier. He was from Zimbabwe, had an MBA in accounting and it was very difficult for him to find a good job here. He asked me a lot of question about France and job opportunities.

That reminded me of a conversation I have had with a white south african guy I have met in cape Town about the fences, the security, etc... He told me that another problem his country was facing was the massive Zimbabwean emigration. Because those black people were really more educated than those in South Africa, they take the more interesting jobs. All the Zimbabwean who have received a proper education flew Zimbabwe, I think...

There were two ads in the streets on little sheet of paper, where you can detach the phone number, that I saw quite often: one was for transport services with a pick up and the other one was more amazing for me:"Abortion 100% safe".

Back to the house, the little girl was so excited by my guitar that she was jumping everywhere when I was paying and she really enjoyed "playing" it. She had noticed a little pink guitar in the shopping center and she would like her dad to buy it.

Otherwise I met this 66 retired american guy who was traveling around the world non stop since 10 years! He visits around 14 countries a year. He has done the Olympics in 1964 with the 400 m. He was still in good shape, did not drink alcohol, tea or coffee and did not smoke either. His only vice is the diet coke.
We had a long chat: he already traveled before retiring but since his wife died , he is always on the road. He was an electrical engineer during 30 years and then taught biology during six years.

In the bathroom there was no shower, only a bath :-) So I took my first bath since nearly two months, so good...

I went running 40 min in the morning before spending 22 hours in airports, flights and transfers. When I arrived at Singapore, my luggage was still in Hong-Kong :-(

mardi 15 septembre 2009

Back in Nairobi

I am back in Mairobi where I will stay for 2 nights.
Then I will fly to Johannesburg and stay there one night.
After that I'll take a flight to Singapore.

update 28/09/09: dans les images rajoutees, il y a notamment celle de la race de gazelle la plus baleze dont j'ai oublie le nom maintenant mais en latin c'etait du genre gazellus taurus.
Il y a aussi la photo d'un zebre et d'un gnou sur le point de se percuter de face.
Ces photos-ci jusqu'a celles de ma sculpture enfin terminee ont ete prise dans le cratere Ngorongoro. Sur l'une d'elle on voit le bord du cratere.
Puis ce sont des photos du Masai Mara pendant le trip de 3 jours, avec notamment: la vallee du rift et des photos de lions!
La derniere photo a ete prise dans un parc a Nairobi.